EMDR THerapy for health care providers, First responders and helping Professionals in Ann arbor, MI

Because we all need support

Helping others heal and learn and navigating the systems we work in can take a toll, especially in the face of burnout, tragedy or loss.

You’re someone who holds a lot for others, whether that’s in your career as a helping professional or in your personal life as a caregiver, partner, or friend.

And while your work is incredibly fulfilling in many ways, it can also be difficult, stressful, and even traumatic at times. Your work environment and the experiences of your patients, clients, students and colleagues can affect you in ways you don’t expect.

Maybe you …

  • Experienced a traumatic incident at work (a workplace injury or a violent incident in the workplace) and now find going to work difficult

  • Come home from work exhausted, wondering how you will leave work at work and find the energy for your family or activities that bring you joy

  • Feel like an imposter, despite being qualified for your job and feel that you’re not doing enough no matter how hard you work

  • Feel like it’s not okay to say no or set boundaries

  • Love your job but are frustrated by the system you work in and experience workplace stress and burnout due to systemic challenges

  • Long to regain your passion and energy for the work that used to come easy to you

This work is hard. You deserve support.

Healing for Healers and Helpers

Whether you’re a healthcare worker, first responder, therapist, teacher or busy caregiver, it’s important to have support from someone who “gets” the experience of being a helper—somewhere you don’t have to explain yourself. Medical professionals, therapists and teachers have had a difficult time of it during these last few years. I know how challenging—and rewarding—these professions can be and how important it is to support you. I love using my skills as a therapist to provide support to those serving on the front lines of our communities. You are more than the skills and knowledge you’ve worked so hard to acquire. I’ll meet you where you are today and create a space where you can speak to what’s truly going on without shame or judgment. I’m here to help you move through your challenges in order to achieve real, sustainable change both personally and professionally. If you are struggling with burnout, grief and trauma I am here to help you learn to thrive again.

Are you ready to:

  • Wake up in the morning feeling rested, calm and in control

  • Put trauma behind you

  • Process emotional blocks and beliefs that don’t serve you

  • Say yes when you mean yes, and no when you mean no – without second-guessing or feeling guilty

  • Be at work when you’re at work, and home when you’re at home

  • Create a relationship with your work where it works for you as much as you work for it

  • Show up as your full self, so your life on the outside matches what you feel on the inside

Together we will:

  • Reduce reactivity and distress from workplace trauma

  • Reduce reactivity and distress from workplace trauma

  • Identify what you want to change, what you want more of and less of in your day

  • Develop new, life-giving perspectives about yourself and others that will guide you in the present and future

  • Reprocess childhood survival patterns that your brain has been using so the past can be in the past where it belongs

  • Practice self-compassion and rediscover joy and fulfillment in your life, relationships, and work

  • Deepen your connection to yourself and others

Frequently asked questions about therapy for HEALTHCARE WORKERS AND HelPING PROFESSIONALS


  • Self-care is so important and if it was easy, you’d already be doing it. I believe it’s important to help you get to the root of what gets in the way of not being able to prioritize yourself. Sometimes we integrate unhelpful messaging about our worth coming from helping people, believing we are selfish to say no, or not knowing who we are outside of our profession.

    Let me help you get to the root of what's getting in the way so that you can love what you do and who you are.

  • Vicarious trauma occurs when an individual who was not an immediate witness to the trauma absorbs and integrates disturbing aspects of the traumatic experience into his or her own functioning.

    Vicarious trauma often carries many of the same symptoms as first-hand trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder. These symptoms are usually grouped into three broad categories:

    —Intrusions, such as flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts

    —Avoidance of situations, people or places that bring on the intrusions

    —Hyperarousal, including hypervigilance, sleeplessness, and increased startle response (“jumpiness”)

  • Working with your body allows you to get to know yourself on a deeper level by merging cognition, emotion, and your somatic experience. This full picture of your experience allows you to experience living life in a fully congruent way.

  • Being a helping professional is just a part of who you are. You may be feeling shame that you’re a healthcare worker, therapist, or teacher and you’re struggling with something in your life. This is a place where you can bring your personal and professional struggles and receive support, clarity, and room to process your unknowns.

  • Yes! If you have Ulliance as your EAP, call their 800-448-8326 number to complete an intake. Tell them that you are requesting EMDR therapy from me. The Ulliance client services team perform intakes M-Th 8am-8pm EST and Fridays 8am-5pm EST.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor at. Arcu non odio eusidmod lician at quis. Learn more.

You don’t have to choose between your responsibilities and your wellbeing.